
see also: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
see also: Contact Us
see also: Help : eBooks

Need help ordering? Having browser trouble? Our guides can help you right now.


You can view and order your textbooks and TAFE resources on our website.

TAFE students can search for individual resources using their unit code e.g. BSBOHS401B

High School

High school students can find resources under Books->Education->High School. If there's something not listed, please contact us.


The most effective way to search for your textbooks is by the relevant unit code.

Just enter your unit code (e.g. BMSC11001) into the search box on any page and hit Search...

About the Textbooks results

To order each item, just click ADD TO CART. Even if the item is not in stock you can still do this to purchase and reserve your copy.

To view detailed information about any item, click the Product Details link.

Important notes...

Alternative ordering and payment

Information about alternative forms of order and payment can be found here.

This feature in our shopping cart allows you to save your cart without placing an order (Note: stock can still sell out during this time). It's particularly useful if you just want to quickly view what you need, get a price and then come back later to complete the order.

  1. Enter your email address and click Send
  2. You will receive an email from the Bookshop with a special link to reload your shopping cart with all the items you saved (including whatever freight and extra items you had added)
  3. Follow the instructions in the email you are sent if you are having trouble loading your saved cart

This is a great way to keep track of an item or just remember it for your personal wish list. This function does not place an order with the Bookshop.

Your Browser

Almost all browser problems are solved by using a modern Chrome-based browser. These include:


If you are having trouble adding items to the cart, it's probably because your browser won't accept cookies from our website (which are required to track what's in your cart). This can be due to antivirus, security, firewall or proxy settings.

If you try a couple of times and it doesn't work, we can still take your order and payment over the phone - see Contact Us.

Please note our staff can't troubleshoot your browser or computer issues.

Payment Issues


If payment declines, please check your card details, expiry date and sufficient funds are available to cover the transaction.

After checking these elements, please try again. If you can't resolve it, please discuss with your bank.

If there are no funds issues, please Call Us and we will take your order and payment over the phone. Do not include card details in email or contact forms.

Order doesn't complete after payment

If your order doesn't complete after payment, your browser hasn't received the response from the bank. You probably won't recieve a completed order notification either. If this happens:

  1. Check your bank to see if the payment has gone through. Not all banks report "Pending" payments - if that's the case, contact your bank to confirm.
  2. If your bank confirms there was no payment, either try ordering again or Contact Us to take your order over the phone.
  3. If your bank confirms payment has proceeded, then Contact Us with the details of the payment (date/amount) and what you've ordered, and we'll check our system for the order.